Wednesday, 27 April 2016




In the last 2 days there have been 2 boat sinkings in locks. The one in the picture above happened in Boxmoor lock which is below Berkhamsted on the Grand Union Canal. It looks like it caught the cill as it was decending in the lock. Luckily it was refloated yesterday afternoon..


Then yesterday this hire boat sank in a lock on the Kennet and Avon canal at Cadley lock . It was reported that 2 elderley people had to be rescued from the boat. Again it seems that this boat also caught the cill. As the sign on the lock gates says “keep forward of cill marker”……..


                                                                                                 Not so Happy Days


  1. Oh dear - I'm one of those people who's totally paranoid when descending... when "nattering" to who (whom?) ever we're sharing with, sometimes I appear rude but rarely take my eyes off the marker to ensure we don't get snagged.

    So long as no one was hurt, I suppose it's not the end of the world... but certainly the end of the hire folk's holiday :-(

    1. It's so easy to loose concentration , I have done it many times . Like you say people nattering can take your mind off your position in the lock..
