Before pulling pins we had a quick look around Mercia Marina at Willington … You never know one day we might need one for a
day month or two. I think we would prefer Barton marina as it is £90 a month cheaper and seems to have more of what we would want in a marina. Plus the lady in reception who we spoke too certainly seemed to put us at ease and confirm what we have been told by other boaters that it is a very friendly marina which welcomes liveaboards.
On towards Shardlow and I think the boaters around here need feeding up ..
“Come on Curly get on that other paddle with Nan”
We are now on the part of the Trent and Mersey that has the deep double locks with some of them being 12 feet deep.
After four and a half hours cruising we picked up a mooring just before Shardlow lock . Tomorrow hopefully if we can get Curly out of her Pit bed we will make an early start and drop down onto the river Trent.
Happy Days
Hope you get Abbie out of bed ok in the morning I thought it was you that got up last. The back view of Abbie going to help Carolyn at the locks she looks so tall.Growing very fast now. x