We pulled ropes through rings and set off towards Braunston in what can only be described as pea soup. I think it’s the first time we have ever used our Navigation lights, although we didn’t pass any other boats as
stupid brave as us on our cruise towards Braunston.
How strange was it that entering Braunston tunnel it was still thick fog , but when we came out the other side it was blue skies. At the top Braunston lock we were met by a Canal and River Trust worker who was sent out to deal with low water levels on the flight of six locks.
Halfway down the flight and we had a visit from this chap. Sitting on the lock gate he was very tame and never moved even when Carolyn was working the paddles.
I just love this front door on the house next to the Admiral Nelson pub . I’ve said to Carolyn that when we retire back to dry land I am going to have a door like this to remind us of our wonderful life afloat.
In to Braunston and we passed the Gongoozlers cafe which used to be called the Gongoozlers rest ,but for some reason the name was changed from rest to cafe. A Gongoozler is a person who enjoys watching activity on the canals of the United Kingdom .The term is also used more generally to describe those who harbour an interest in canals and canal life, but do not actively participate , although we don’t mind them helping to push open the odd lock gate.
Just after the Gongoozler is the water point where we stopped to top up our water tank . It would have been rude not to have a Bacon and egg Bap from the Gongoozler ,so needless to say I succumbed to temptation. With lashings of Brown sauce it went down a treat..
After mooring we met up and spent the evening with friends Gary and Della on their lovely boat Muleless. We haven’t seen them for a few months so it was good catching up over a glass or ten of wine.. Merry Christmas you two and looking forward to meeting up for New year.
Happy Days
Merry Christmas to you both have a great time both. Enjoyed reading the blog all year of your travels.
Thanks for that Ade ,and a very Merry Christmas to you ... Have a good one !
DeleteMerry Christmas greeting from New Zealand - we are another couple who enjoy reading about your narrow boat adventures.
ReplyDeleteHi Jenny , It's good to hear from you . Bet it's warmer there than it is here . Wishing you a very Merry Chritmas and a Happy new year ...
DeleteI hope you both have a great christmas
ReplyDeleteCheers Clive and a very Merry Christmas to you !