After a couple of days on the 48 hour moorings and being a lot lighter in the pocket it was time to leave Banbury and head South on our journey towards The River Thames.
Dropping down in Banbury lock and they say you must always be prepared to share a lock. And with this pair its a pleasure…
With not many places to do a grocery shop over the next week or so
we Carolyn did a big shop in Morrison's on the way out of Banbury. Then it was onto new waters for us. The first thing to notice is the amount of lift bridges there are. Fortunately most of them are just for the farmers to move their livestock around and are kept open.
Keith on Nb Oakfield coming through one of the lift bridges. With the wind picking up it became a bit of a challenge to get through some of them without hitting the sides.
Below Banbury most of the locks have single gates on each end which apparently was a cost cutting measure and was a lot cheaper to construct than the usual mitred pairs. Being single some of them are so heavy it takes two people to move them. But with this pair of lock wheelers working as a well oiled team we soon get through without any problems.
After a busy morning of shopping and cruising we found a lovely mooring near Twyford wharf. Although we have the slight drone of the M40 motorway in the distance it is good enough for a nights mooring.
Happy Days
Luvly jubbly, or as you say in Devon, 'That's the ticket!'
Keep on Lock wheeling !!!!!!