After a couple of days at Hillmorton and with all the ice on the canal melted we pulled pins at 13.30 and after dropping down the locks and filling with water we cruised towards Rugby. We were very surprised to find only Keith and Ann on nb Oakfield the only boat on the moorings at Brownsover. These are normally very popular moorings and with a week of cold freezing weather you would have expected them to be full.
We were kindly invited by Keith and Ann to join them on Tuesday for a cuppa and a good old yap on their lovely boat Oakfield, and then on Thursday it was good that they joined us back on Inca for a cuppa and another good old yap. One of the best things about this way of life is all of the new friends we are making. But the downside is that as you travel all over the country and on different waterways it can be months and even years before meeting up with them again.
“My feet are bloody cold” . Quacked one Duck to the other .
A new shell being towed pass the moorings . By the height it is sitting in the water it looks like the engine is yet to be fitted.
Goggers (group of bloggers) . As well as ourselves and Keith and Ann on nb Oakfield we were joined on Thursday at Rugby by Gary and Della on nb Muleless and then by Paul and Jill on nb Falcon. So with all of us being Bloggers that has to make it a gathering of Goggers. It was good to have a cuppa and a catch up on Thursday evening with Paul and Jill who also come from Devon.
On Friday and with a thick layer of ice on the canal this is the last thing you want to happen. A boat speeding through the moorings. I usually
shout at ask boats to slow down if they are passing exceptionally fast, as the rule is to pass all moored boats with your engine on tick over. After politely asking this steerer to slow down I'm pleased to say he did , Although i didn't get much of a smile from him as he passed.
Hamish is still a bit down in the dumps . I'm not sure how long it will take him to get over the loss of Molly , but every day he seems a little bit better.
Happy Days
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